Ithaca Arthaus is an all-electric building, utilizing heat pumps for space conditioning and domestic hot water. The heat pumps for domestic hot water generation utilize a CO2 based refrigerant system minimizing the potential climate impacts from refrigerant leaks. Careful lighting design and fixture selection ensure low lighting power density.
Taitem worked closely with the architect and internal design team, to develop an envelope system that will deliver significantly better-than-code R-values while providing long term durability. Through an integrated design process, the project is projected to achieve over 50% site energy savings over a code baseline building with a projected site energy utilization intensity (EUI) of 25.6 kBtu/SF/yr and no fossil fuel use onsite.
Ithaca Arthaus
Ithaca Arthaus is a new, 100,000 SF, supported housing project with four stories of apartments above a community room, art gallery, offices, and parking area. The development includes 124 affordable apartments with 40 units reserved for transition-age youth who lack a permanent place to call home.
Taitem provided full engineering design services for this project as well as commissioning, and energy consulting and energy modeling as part of NYSERDA’s Multifamily New Construction Program. Taitem worked closely with the design team to evaluate and identify energy efficiency measures to achieve the energy performance goals.
130 Cherry Street, Ithaca, New York